Why Report Sanctuary Promise Violations?

Why report?

The “Report and Support System” is designed to help Oregon DOJ investigate suspected violations to Oregon’s Sanctuary Promise Act and provide support where possible.  If you see something, say something.  If you suspect a violation, please report it!  Advocates on the hotline are multilingual and identify as members of the communities we support.  Interpretation services are available in 240+ languages.

We want to:

  • Support those who witnessed, have been targeted in, or impacted by violations to Oregon’s sanctuary laws.
  • Refer witnesses, targeted individuals, and community members to services that can help.
  • Inform and support the Oregon Department of Justice’s Sanctuary Promise Investigator to determine if ODOJ can open an investigation on behalf of the state.
  • Track violations and inform the public about who is violating and if there are trends.

How data is stored and protected

If you are submitting a report of a suspected violation, your name and identifying information will not be made public by ODOJ, unless ODOJ is subpoenaed and compelled by a court order to release investigation information. The Targeted Individual’s name and date of birth will be shared with the following entities for the purpose of investigating a suspected violation:

  • with the Oregon DOJ Sanctuary Promise Investigator; and
  • with the local/state government office or law enforcement agency suspected of violating sanctuary laws during the investigation opened by ODOJ.

Our team of confidential advocates do not share details you share with us publicly or outside of the investigation.  If information you share with us is requested through a subpoena, ODOJ will oppose and fight the subpoena.  ORS 181A.827 » specifically states that ODOJ may not publicize any information that is identifying to you.  If someone requests information about your case through a public records request, we will attempt to notify you and inform you via the phone number you provided in your report.  Personal identifying information will be redacted from any public records requests or summary reports issued by CJC.

Additional information I should know about reporting to the hotline.