Make a Sanctuary Promise Violation Report

How your data is stored, protected, and used on the hotline (click for more information).

    Report a Sanctuary Promise Violation

    Information About The Victim/Targeted Person

    Note: The targeted person's identity will not be shared publicly by ODOJ, but will be used and shared with the state/local government agency during the course of any investigation ODOJ opens. It will not be shared with federal immigration agencies or otherwise be shared to assist with immigration enforcement. If a specific person was not targeted in the violation, you can simply put “general public” as first and last names.

    *First name of targeted person/victim:

    Middle name of targeted person/victim:

    *Last name of targeted person/victim:

    DOB of targeted person/victim:

    *Targeted person/victim's preferred language:

    *Is the targeted person currently in custody?

    YesNoI don't know

    Where is the targeted person in custody?

    *Does the targeted person have an attorney?

    YesNoI don't know

    Name of targeted person's attorney:

    Attorney's phone number:

    Attorney's email:

    Information About The Possible Violation

    *Date of violation (estimated date is fine; retroactive reports to 07/19/2021 are allowed):

    *Please briefly describe the violation:

    *What type of state/local agency violated the Sanctuary Promise law?

    *Name of violating agency (e.g., Multnomah County Public Health):


    Name and title of government employee or police officer who violated, if known:

    What federal immigration authority engaged with the state/local government agency, if known?

    Referral Information

    *I would like a follow up call from the Sanctuary Promise Hotline:


    *I would like a referral to a community partner agency:


    Reporter's Information

    If you would like a follow up call, please make sure to fill out the information below.

    *As the reporter, what is your relationship to the targeted person:

    Name of reporter:

    Phone number:


    Your preferred language: