Hotline Data

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Criminal Justice Commission Sanctuary Promise Annual Hotline Reports

Criminal Justice Commission HB 3265 Sanctuary Promise Report 2023
Infracciones denunciadas de la Ley de Promesa de Santuario de Oregón 2023 (Comisión de Justicia Penal de Oregón)
Criminal Justice Commission HB 3265 Sanctuary Promise Report 2022
Infracciones denunciadas de la Ley de Promesa de Santuario de Oregón 2022 (Comisión de Justicia Penal de Oregón)

Sanctuary Promise Hotline Reports

Oregon law provides:

  • The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission publishes data from the Oregon Department of Justice Sanctuary Promise Hotline.1
  • The website cannot contain any personally identifiable information.2
  • Information and data that may reveal the identity of an individual involved in an incident are exempt from public disclosure.3  Identifying information provided in a public body’s response will be redacted, and this may include information in a police report or booking record.  If the document cannot be sufficiently redacted to protect the identity of individuals, the document as a whole will not be released.

Data updated as of March 1, 2025 is below:


Report ID Public Body County Federal Immigration Agency Nature of Violation Number of Targeted Individuals Source Response of the Public Body
SPH1 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Washington USCIS Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH2 Multnomah County Jail Multnomah ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH3 Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office
Tillamook County Circuit Court
Tillamook ICE Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH4 Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office or Tillamook Police Department Tillamook ICE Established traffic perimeter
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH5 Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office Tillamook ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH6 Tillamook County Circuit Court Tillamook ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order
Inquired or shared information
1 Hotline
SPH7 Tillamook County Circuit Court Tillamook ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH8 Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Deschutes ICE Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH9 Department of Corrections Marion ICE Granted access not normally open to the public
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH10 Department of Corrections Marion ICE Granted access not normally open to the public
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH11 Unknown Multnomah Unknown Unknown 3 Hotline
SPH12 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH13 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Multnomah ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH14 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH15 Salem Housing Authority Marion Unknown Inquired or shared information 1; many potential victims Hotline
SPH16 Salem Housing Authority Marion Unknown Inquired or shared information 1; many potential victims Hotline
SPH17 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH18 Port of Portland Multnomah CBP Inquire or share information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline SPH18_1
SPH19 Unknown Washington ICE Unknown 1 non-Hotline
SPH20 Washington County Jail, Washington County Probation Department Washington ICE Inquire or share information Used state public resources Granted access not not normally open to the public 1 Hotline
SPH21 Washington County Jail Washington ICE Inquire or share information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH22 Unknown Not Reported ICE Inquire or share information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH23 Washington County Circuit Court, Washington County Probation Department, Washington County Sheriff’s Office Washington ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order
Inquired or shared information
Stored informaiton related to immigration or citizenship
1 Hotline
SPH24 Cottage Grove Police Department, Cottage Grove Jail, Cottage Grove Municipal Court Lane ICE Inquired or shared information 1 Hotline
SPH25 Unknown Law Enforcement Agency Lane Unknown Inquired or shared information 1 Hotline
SPH26 None Out of State ICE None 1 Hotline
SPH27 Cottage Grove Police Department Lane ICE Failed to provide consular notice and right to refuse disclosure
Failed to document and/or report violation Granted access not normally open to the public Investigated or interrogated individuals
Inquired or shared information Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH28 Oregon State Hospital Marion ICE Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline SPH28_1
SPH29 Oregon State Hospital Marion ICE Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline see SPH28
SPH30 Cottage Grove Police Department Lane ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH31 Klamath Police Department Klamath Unknown Unable to Determine 1 Hotline
SPH32 City of Shaniko, City of Shaniko City Council Wasco Unknown Inquired or shared information 3 Hotline
SPH33 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Multnomah County Probation and Parole/PPS Multnomah ICE Inquired or shared information 1 Hotline
SPH34 Oregon Judicial Department Multnomah ICE Inquired or shared information

Stored information related to immigration or citizenship

1 Hotline

2022 totals:

  • 18 cases where the targeted individual did not consent to an ODOJ inquiry into the public body
  • 6 cases did not meet the criteria for an ODOJ inquiry
  • 2 cases were callers in mental health crisis
  • 3 cases were callers requesting information regarding Oregon sanctuary law, immigrant rights, training, or resource materials



Report ID Public Body County Federal Immigration Agency Nature of Violation Number of Targeted Individuals Source Response of the Public Body
SPH35 Salem Police Department Marion Unknown Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
Inquired or shared information
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH36 Salem Police Department Marion ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
Inquired or shared information
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH37 Cottage Grove Police Department Lane Unknown Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
Inquired or shared information
0; many potential victims non-Hotline SPH37_1
SPH38 Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Marion County Jail, Marion County Parole & Probation Marion Unknown Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
121 non-Hotline
SPH39 None Columbia None None 0 Hotline
SPH40 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH41 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH42 Marion County Board of Commissioners Marion ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
0; many potential victims non-Hotline
SPH43 Marion County Sheriff’s Office Marion ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
0; many potential victims non-Hotline
SPH44 Josephine County Sheriff’s Office, Josephine County Jail Josephine ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Granted access not normally open to the public
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline SPH44_1
SPH45 Department of Motor Vehicles Washington ICE Inquired or shared information 1 Hotline
SPH46 None Out of State ICE None 1 Hotline
SPH47 None Jackson ICE None 1 Hotline
SPH48 None Out of State ICE None 1 Hotline
SPH49 None Tillamook None None 0 Hotline
SPH50 None Clatsop None None 0 Hotline
SPH51 Cottage Grove Police Department, Lane County Circuit Court, Lane County Jail Lane ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order
Inquire or share information
1 Hotline
SPH52 Linn County District Attorney’s Office Linn ICE Used state public resources 1 non-Hotline
SPH53 Gresham Police Department Multnomah Unknown Agreement, contract, or MOU
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims non-Hotline
SPH54 Albany Police Department Linn Unknown Failed to provide consular notice and right to refuse disclosure
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH55 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Linn Unknown Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH56 Albany Police Department Linn ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims non-Hotline
SPH57 Josephine County District Attorney’s Office, Josephine County Circuit Court Josephine ICE Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline see SPH44
SPH58 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH59 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH60 Washington County Circuit Court Washington ICE Failed to document and/or report violation
Inquired or shared informationStored information related to immigration or citizenship
1 Hotline
SPH61 Washington County Circuit Court Washington ICE Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH62 Washington County Jail Washington Unknown Denied services, benefits, or privileges
Inquire or share information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH63 Oregon Department of Human Services Multnomah USCIS Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
0; many potential victims both
SPH64 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH65 None Out of State None None 0 Hotline
SPH66 None Out of State None None 0 Hotline
SPH67 None Out of State None None 0 Hotline
SPH68 None Lake None None 0 Hotline
SPH69 None Lake None None 0 Hotline
SPH70 None Lake None None 0 Hotline
SPH71 None Lake None None 0 Hotline
SPH72 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH73 Milwaukie Police Department Clackamas None Used state public resources 0 non-Hotline
SPH74 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH75 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH76 None Morrow None None 0 Hotline
SPH77 Cottage Grove Police Department Lane ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH78 City of Salem Marion Other Inquired or shared information
Used State Public Resources
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH79 None Out of State None None 0 Hotline
SPH80 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH81 None Out of State ICE None 1 Hotline
SPH82 Metropolitan Public Defenders Washington Unknown Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
1 Hotline
SPH83 None Deschutes None None 0 Hotline
SPH84 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH85 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH86 None Washington None None 0 Hotline
SPH87 Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine Unable to Determine unknown Hotline
SPH88 Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine Unable to Determine unknown Hotline
SPH89 Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine Unable to Determine unknown Hotline

2023 totals:

  • 6 cases where the targeted individual did not consent to an ODOJ inquiry into the public body
  • 14 cases did not meet the criteria for an ODOJ inquiry
  • 19 cases were callers in mental health crisis
  • 2 cases were callers requesting information regarding Oregon sanctuary law, immigrant rights, training, or resource materials
  • 3 cases were unknown (hotline never connected with complainant)
  • 1 case was caller perpetrating anti-immigrant hate



Report ID Public Body County Federal Immigration Agency Nature of Violation Number of Targeted Individuals Source Response of the Public Body
SPH90 None Washington None None 0 Hotline
SPH91 None Washington None None 0 Hotline
SPH92 Josephine County Sheriff’s Office Josephine ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline see SPH44
SPH93 Josephine County Sheriff’s Office Josephine ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline see SPH44
SPH94 Cottage Grove Police Department Lane ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order 1 Hotline
SPH95 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH96 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH97 Not Reported Not Reported Unknown Unknown unknown Hotline
SPH98 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH99 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH100 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH101 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH102 Washington County Jail Washington None Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
Used state public resources
1; many potential victims Hotline
SPH103 Washington County Jail Washington None Inquired or shared information
Stored information related to immigration or citizenship
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH104 None Benton None None 0 Hotline
SPH105 None Umatilla None None 0 Hotline
SPH106 Washington County Probation Washington Unknown Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH107 Unknown Lane ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order 1 Hotline
SPH108 Canby Police Department Clackamas ICE Used state public resources 1 Hotline
SPH109 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH110 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH111 Unknown Law Enforcement Agency Yamhill ICE Failed to document and/or report violation
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
many; exact number unknown Hotline
SPH112 Unknown Law Enforcement Agency Marion ICE Failed to document and/or report violation
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
many; exact number unknown Hotline
SPH113 None Washington None None 0 Hotline
SPH114 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH115 Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine unknown Hotline
SPH116 Not Reported Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine unknown Hotline
SPH117 None Columbia None None 0 Hotline
SPH118 Salem-Keizer School Board Marion None Granted access not normally open to the public
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims non-Hotline
SPH119 Clackamas County District Attorney’s Office Clackamas ICE Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims Hotline

2024 totals:

  • 2 cases where the targeted individual did not consent to an ODOJ inquiry into the public body
  • 7 cases did not meet the criteria for an ODOJ inquiry
  • 6 cases were callers in mental health crisis
  • 1 case was a caller requesting information regarding Oregon sanctuary law, immigrant rights, training, or resource materials
  • 3 cases were unknown (hotline never connected with complainant)
  • 4 cases were callers perpetrating anti-immigrant hate



Report ID Public Body County Federal Immigration Agency Nature of Violation Number of Targeted Individuals Source Response of the Public Body
SPH120 None Columbia None None 0 Hotline
SPH121 None Deschutes ICE None 0 Hotline
SPH122 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH123 None Lincoln None None 0 Hotline
SPH124 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH125 None Deschutes None None 0 Hotline
SPH126 None Clackamas None None 0 Hotline
SPH127 Unable to Determine Benton Unknown Unable to Determine 4 Hotline
SPH128 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH129 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH130 None Polk None None 0 Hotline
SPH131 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH132 None Lane None None 0 Hotline
SPH132 Unable to Determine Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine unknown Hotline
SPH133 Unknown Washington ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order 1 non-Hotline
SPH134 None Coos None None 0 Hotline
SPH135 Portland Police Bureau, Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Multnomah Unknown Failed to document and/or report violation
Established traffic perimeter
Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
unknown Hotline
SPH136 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH137 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH138 None Lane None None 0 Hotline
SPH139 None Washington None None 0 Hotline
SPH140 None Washington ICE None many; exact number unknown Hotline
SPH141 None Deschutes ICE None many; exact number unknown Hotline
SPH142 Unable to Determine Not Reported Not Reported Unable to Determine unknown Hotline
SPH143 None Not Reported ICE None 0 Hotline
SPH144 None Clackamas ICE None 3 Hotline
SPH145 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH146 None Not Reported None None many; exact number unknown Hotline
SPH147 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH148 West Linn Police Department Clackamas DHS Used state public resources 0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH149 Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office Clackamas ICE Inquired or shared information
Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
4 Hotline
SPH150 Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners Clackamas ICE Used state public resources 1; many potential victims Hotline
SPH151 Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners Clackamas ICE Used state public resources 1; many potential victims Hotline
SPH152 None Clackamas ICE Unable to Determine 1 Hotline
SPH153 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH154 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH155 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH156 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH157 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH158 None Deschutes None None 0 Hotline
SPH159 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH160 None Marion None None 0 Hotline
SPH161 Portland Police Bureau Multnomah ICE Used state public resources unknown Hotline
SPH162 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH163 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH164 None Polk U.S. Census Bureau None multiple; exact number unknown Hotline
SPH165 Washington County Sheriff’s Department or Hillsboro Police Department Washington Unknown Used state public resources 1 Hotline
SPH166 None Not Reported ICE None 0 Hotline
SPH167 Coos County Board of Commissioners Coos ICE Agreement, contract, or MOU
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH168 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH169 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH170 Unknown Law Enforcement Agency Deschutes ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
2 non-Hotline
SPH171 Unknown Law Enforcement Agency Marion ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
2 non-Hotline
SPH172 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH173 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH174 None Multnomah ICE None 1 Hotline
SPH175 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH176 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH177 None Jackson None None 0 Hotline
SPH178 None Multnomah U.S. Department of Government Efficiency None 0 Hotline
SPH179 Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office Multnomah ICE Investigated or interrogated individuals
Used state public resources
1 Hotline
SPH180 Jackson County Circuit Court Jackson ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order from a court facility 0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH181 None Not Reported None None 0 Hotline
SPH182 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH183 None Not Reported ICE None 0 Hotline
SPH184 None Not Reported Unknown None 1 Hotline
SPH185 Multnomah County Circuit Court Multnomah ICE Civil arrest without judicial warrant/order
Failed to document and/or report violation
Inquired or shared information
Used state public resources
0; many potential victims Hotline
SPH186 None Polk None None 0 Hotline
SPH187 None Multnomah None None 0 Hotline
SPH188 Unable to Determine Not Reported Unknown Unable to Determine 1 Hotline

2025 to-date totals:

  • 10 cases did not meet the criteria for an ODOJ inquiry
  • 2 cases were callers in mental health crisis
  • 42 cases were callers requesting information regarding Oregon sanctuary law, immigrant rights, training, or resource materials
  • 2 cases were callers perpetrating anti-immigrant hate


ICE= United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
USCIS= United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
CBP= United States Customs and Border Protection
DHS= United States Department of Homeland Security


Sanctuary Promise Data Reported to CJC

Pursuant to ORS 181A.826, the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission publishes data from Oregon public bodies regarding communications/requests from a federal agency that relate to immigration enforcement.  For the updated public body data, click here».


1 Pursuant to ORS 181A.827(3)

2 Pursuant to ORS 181A.827(4)

3 Pursuant to ORS 181A.827(5)