We all have a role to play in ensuring our communities are safe, inclusive spaces where everyone is celebrated for who they are, and where everyone feels a sense of belonging. When hate or bias occurs in your community, how you respond is critical. If you were victimized, do you know where you can report? Or how to interact with the police? If you were a witness, do you know how to safely intervene? Or what language to use in speaking with the victim? What about online safety? Do you know how to talk to kids about hate and bias?
Our Community Bias Response Toolkit provides you with information about the follow questions:
- Open All
What is the difference between a hate/bias crime and a bias incident?
What is the difference between hate speech and free speech?
- Free Speech and Hate Speech (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese) – a guide to understand the limits of criminalizing hate speech in Oregon and in the United States
I have experienced hate or bias, but I do not want to report to the police. What can I do?
- Document bias for your records – If you are experiencing bias, we encourage you to keep a detailed record for yourself (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese). You may remember the details, people, dates, and times today, but two years from now at a hearing or under oath, it may be helpful to review a tracking document that you created when it was happening.
- Report Hate or Bias to a Hotline – Looking for support? You do not have to report hate or bias to the police.
- You can always contact Oregon’s statewide Bias Response Hotline to talk about your options. We welcome your call or online report.
- Click here for additional regional or university support options. (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese)
- Basic Rights Information (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese) – We have created a reference list of basic rights that everyone in Oregon has when engaging with systems in the aftermath of a bias incident or bias crime.
- Access support!
- Oregon's Crime Victims' Compensation Program » can help cover counseling costs not covered by insurance for victims of bias incidents and bias crimes. No report to police is required. You can apply online by yourself or with the help of an advocate from the Bias Response Hotline. (Under "File an Application," select "Counseling Only Application.")
- The Racial Equity Support Line » is a program from Lines for Life that offers hotline counseling and support to those who are feeling the emotional impacts of racist violence and microaggressions, as well as the emotional impacts of immigration struggles and other cross-cultural issues. Call 503-575-3764 Monday-Friday from 10am-7pm PST.
I have experienced hate or bias and I want to report to the police. What can I do?
- Reporting Hate and Bias to the Police: call 911 for emergencies, or contact your local Oregon law enforcement agency
- Expectations of police when you report a bias crime (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese) – What you need to know to make informed decisions about interacting with the police when reporting a bias crime. Here is a quick fact sheet (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese).
- Tips for interacting with police when reporting a hate or bias crime (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese).
- How to prepare for a meeting with law enforcement or prosecutors (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese).
- Criminal Justice System – Crime victim advocates assist victims in navigating the criminal justice system.
- Here is a mapping of the criminal justice system ».
- Here is a mapping of the juvenile justice system.
- Work with an advocate! The benefits of working with an advocate according to the research.
I have been the victim of a hate/bias crime. What are my rights?
- Crime Victim Rights – there are many Oregon Constitutional and statutory rights for crime victims engaging with the criminal justice system; here are a few key rights for hate/bias crime victims:
- A victim has the right to be treated with dignity and respect by police and everyone else in the criminal justice process. (Oregon Constitution Article I § 42 (1))
- A victim has the right to have their safety taken into consideration at every stage of the criminal justice process. (Oregon Constitution Article I § 43 (1))
- A victim has the right to a free interpreter, whether testifying or simply listening to a hearing, or in helping to assert any Oregon Constitutional victim right. (ORS 45.275, ORS 45.285(3), ORS 419C.285(4))
- A victim who is 15 years old or older has the right to have a support person with them at every hearing or meeting during the criminal justice process (except Grand Jury and a Child Abuse Assessment). The person cannot be a witness to the crime that is being investigated and must be at least 18 years old. It could be a friend, family member, community leader, or another support person. ORS 147.425
- We’ve provided an overview of Oregon Constitutional and statutory crime victim rights for bias crime victims (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese). This information does not constitute legal advice.
- Oregon’s Victims’ Rights Guides are available in multiple languages.
- If your case has been charged by the local prosecutor’s office, Oregon’s Victim Rights Request Forms are available in multiple languages.
- Victims of federal crimes have rights during the investigation stage and during the prosecution of the criminal case. Learn more about these federal crime victim rights under the Victim Rights and Restitution Act (VRRA) and Crime Victims’ Rights Act (CVRA) here ».
- VictimsRightsAdvice.org» is a project of the National Crime Victim Law Institute» and Pro Bono Net». It is an interactive website providing victims of hate and bias crimes in Oregon with no-cost general legal advice during criminal case investigation and prosecution. Individuals can submit questions through the online portal, where volunteer attorneys provide brief, written legal advice. Here are some questions that can be answered through the Victims' Rights Advice Portal».
- Crime Victim Rights – there are many Oregon Constitutional and statutory rights for crime victims engaging with the criminal justice system; here are a few key rights for hate/bias crime victims:
If I am the witness to hate or bias, how do I respond or safely intervene?
- Suggested Language if Someone Discloses a Bias Incident or Crime to You (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese).
- Right to Be » offers regular, online, free training on bystander intervention for hate and bias » targeting specific populations.
- The 5 Ds of bystander intervention videos », offered in English, Cantonese, Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, and Vietnamese.
- Responding to Everyday Bigotry: Speak Up! » is a resource guide released by Southern Poverty Law Center, and calls on everyone to take a stand against everyday bigotry.
- Speaking Out Against Bigoted, Dehumanizing Rhetoric: What We Can Do» is a resource guide released by Western States Center which documents the surge in antisemitic and Islamophobic hate incidents, explains the link between rhetoric and violence, and provides suggestions and resources to take action.
- The Way We Work produced a 5 minute video on reducing bias and bias intervention in the workplace».
- Calling in vs. calling out
- When do we call out bias, and when do we call in? » by Seed the Way
- Harvard's Calling In and Calling Out Guide »
- The Michigan League for Public Policy 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge » - See Day 12: Calling In and Calling Out
- Quick references:
- What can I do if I am targeted in a bias incident? (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese)
- What can I do if I perpetrate a bias incident? (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese)
- What can I do if I witness a bias incident? (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese)
- What can I do if I witness targeting in the classroom? (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese)
I’ve been contacted by the media. What are my options?
- The choice to speak with the media is yours. You do not have to give an interview, or can stop your interview at any time.
- Review the National Center for Victims of Crime’s Privacy & Dignity: A Guide to Interacting with the Media » paper for guidance on making this decision.
- We have also provided a one-pager highlighting tips for interacting with the media (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese).
What are some things I should consider in terms of my safety?
- Protective Orders in Oregon – You may be eligible for a civil protective order, even if a crime hasn’t occurred.
- Here’s a comparison sheet of Oregon’s six protective orders » to help guide you.
- Obtain protective order forms here ».
- Watch a 4 minute video for an Overview of Protective Orders in Oregon ».
- Here’s information to prepare for a contested protective order hearing ».
- Personal Safety Planning
- Anti-Doxing Guide (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese) – including internet and social media safety
- For those wishing to remove their residence address from public voter registration lists, here is the Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure as a Public Record».
- USPS offers an informed mail delivery service option» to see photos of your mail before it arrives, free. »
- Under the Public Records Personal Safety Exemption, per ORS 192.368» and Oregon Administrative Rule 137-004-0800», a member of the public can petition certain public bodies to suppress their contact information (home address, personal telephone number or personal email) in a specified public record. A county or agency may have an individualized application form.
- Pen America produced a Field Manual to Navigate Online Abuse ».
- Safety tips for communities of faith »
- The Center for Anti-Violence Education » works to prevent hate violence through educational programs that combine awareness raising, physical empowerment, leadership development and activism.
- Anti-Doxing Guide (English | Spanish | Arabic | Dari | Hindi | Korean | Pashto | Russian | Simplified Chinese | Somali | Tagalog | Traditional Chinese | Ukrainian | Vietnamese) – including internet and social media safety
- Verbal De-escalation resources
- Verbal de-escalation tips ».
- Rural Organizing Project » created de-escalation flashcards » "to print and hand out at your next rally to ensure all of your demonstration participants are on the same page about how best to engage with counter-protesters."
- The National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center has information on crisis counseling » and recovery resources ».
- The Asian American Federation has information on verbal de-escalation, physical self defense, and bystander intervention in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Japanese.
- Secure Community Network », a national non-profit focused on safety and security for the Jewish community, offers active threat training, introduction to situational awareness, Stop the Bleed (a national, standardized training program like CPR and First Aid), and classes on verbal de-escalation. All are welcome to these security trainings ».
- Self-Defense resources
- Warrior Sisters offers self-defense trainings » that incorporate a mix of verbal, physical, and awareness skills intended to be accessible regardless of experience or level of fitness.
- The Washington County Sheriff’s Office offers free women’s self-defense classes ».
- Rose City Self-Defense offers free personal safety workshops ».
- Active Shooter resources
- Protective Orders in Oregon – You may be eligible for a civil protective order, even if a crime hasn’t occurred.
I want to play an active role in making my community safer and better for everyone. What can I do now?
- Books
- Lee & Low Books has an online library » where you can purchase books on anti-racism.
- Author Jacqueline Woodson » has won multiple awards for her work on children’s literature on the topic of race, belonging and social justice.
- Embrace Bend’s Do the Work Study Group » and Decolonize This Book Club »
- Videos and podcasts
- The Cure for Hate » traces former neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier Tony McAleer’s journey of atonement to bear witness to the horrors of Auschwitz and the throughline to modern day violent extremism.
- 26 Mini-Films for Exploring Race, Bias and Identity With Students » (NYT)
- How microaggressions are like mosquito bites »
- Why aren’t there more Black people in Oregon? A Hidden History » by Walidah Imarisha
- Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth »
- The Secret History of Muslims in the U.S. » (NYT)
- Articles
- A Guide to Gender Identity Terms » (NPR)
- National Museum of African American History & Culture: Talking About Race »
- Additional Resources
- Not In Our Town's United Against Hate Week's Community Action Toolkit » provides 20 action items you and your community can do.
- Stanford's IT Community issued an Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative guide document ».
- Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide » from Southern Poverty Law Center
- The White House released The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism» in May 2023 with strategic goals and specific calls to action.
- Race Talks »: Uniting to Break the Chains of Racism
- A timeline of Oregon and U.S. Racial, Immigration and Education History »
- Land acknowledgments – a resource for how to develop a land acknowledgement », including a mapping of indigenous territories, languages, and treaties »
- Have you heard of ACEs? The Adverse Childhood Experiences study » explored the impact of childhood trauma (neglect, abuse, and household challenges) on adult wellbeing, including a person’s health and lifespan. More recent research explores the Pair of ACEs », or the impact of the original 10 ACEs plus adverse community environments, such as discrimination and structural bias, on a person’s wellbeing, health and lifespan.
- Disability Rights Oregon has Know Your Rights: Service Animals » information, and Fair Housing Council of Oregon has guidance on Assistance Animals and Fair Housing».
- Racial Equity Tools »
- Oregon Black Pioneers » – preserving the history of Black Oregonians.
- Oregon Remembrance Project » – founded to help communities with truth and reconciliation projects about rectifying historical injustice.
- Urban Institute's Equity Resource Navigator » is a collection of resources that supports equity efforts by local officials and government staff.
- Additional statewide resources for victims
- Books
Are there any resources for running safe public meetings to prevent, avoid, or respond to zoom bombings?
- Oregon DOJ has prepared this Guide with frequently asked questions and additional resources to prevent or respond to zoom bombing
- Steps to Take During a Zoombombing Incident » from the ADL
- ADL's toolkit for responding to extremist disruptions at public meetings »
- Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual (2019) »
- League of Oregon Cities Legal Guide to Handling Disruptive People in Public Meetings (2023) »
- Oregon Department of Administrative Services Virtual Public Meetings Guide for State Agencies (2024) »
- Oregon Government Ethics Commission » for enforcement, complaints » or requesting advice » regarding public meetings law
- Report to FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center, ic3.com »
- Report Hate or Bias to a Hotline – Looking for support? You do not have to report hate or bias to the police.
- You can always contact Oregon’s statewide Bias Response Hotline to talk about your options. We welcome your call or online report.
What resources do you have related to safety at Pride for this summer?
- Western States Center has issued a Pride Advisory Guide » and Protecting Pride Organizing Guide ».
- Georgetown Law's Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) issued Guidance: Protecting Pride Events from Armed Extremist Activity».
- The Human Rights Campaign (HRC)», the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, issued a downloadable LGBTQ+ Guidebook for Action» including health and safety resources, a summary of state-by-state laws, “know your rights” information, and resources designed to support LGBTQ+ travelers as well as those already living in hostile states.
- HRC also has a Celebrate Pride with Us: We Show Up resource page» to find local Pride events and explore resources related to safety.
- HRC also keeps an active State of LGBTQ+ Rights chart» for those traveling to know which states have what laws.
- The White House issued a 2023 Fact Sheet of New Actions to Protect LGBTQI+ Communities ».
- Interfaith Alliance, which promotes LGBTQ+ rights and inclusive faith communities, and Southern Poverty Law Center are offering virtual trainings» related to their de-escalation and Faith for Pride initiative».
- Read FBI and DHS's Public Service Announcement Foreign Terrorist Organizations and their Supporters Likely Heighten Threat Environment during 2024 Pride Month» for information about foreign terrorist threats against Pride in the U.S.
- Attending Pride this year? Here are some safety tips to check out:
I'm concerned about the upcoming election. What information and resources can you share with me?
- The last four U.S. presidential election cycles show a consistent pattern that hate crimes increase nationwide during national election season (Cause for Concern 2024: The State of Hate»). While we do not want to create undue alarm, we feel obligated to acknowledge the facts and data and help community members be prepared with options in case of targeting—whether a bias incident, hate crime, or violation of Oregon’s sanctuary laws.
- Oregon Secretary of State has a Voter Protection Hotline where concerns about voter suppression, interference, intimidation, and mis- and dis-information can be reported:
- Toll free 1-866-673-VOTE (1-866-673-8683)
- TTY 800-735-2900
- elections.sos@sos.oregon.gov
- If you believe a crime has occurred:
- FBI and USDOJ take election crimes seriously. They have provided the following resources:
- Election Threats information» with a one-pager on Federal Elections Crimes»
- Voter Intimidation Information Sheet»
- Knowing Your Voting Rights information» with guides in multiple languages: English» 简体字 (Simplified Chinese)» 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)» 한국어 (Korean)» Español (Spanish)» Tagalog» Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)» Bengali - বাঙ্গালি» Gujarati - ગુજરાતી» Hindi - हिन्दी» Hmong - Hmoob» Khmer - ខ្មែរ» Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ» Navajo - Diné Bizaad» Yup’ik - Yup’ik»
- Voting Protections for Language Minority Citizens» describes the language assistance required by Section 203 to enable certain people with limited English proficiency to participate effectively in all phases of the electoral process, with guides in multiple languages: English» 简体字 (Simplified Chinese)» 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)» 한국어 (Korean)» Español (Spanish)» Tagalog» Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)» Bengali - বাঙ্গালি» Gujarati - ગુજરાતી» Hindi - हिन्दी» Hmong - Hmoob» Khmer - ខ្មែរ» Punjabi - ਪੰਜਾਬੀ» Yup’ik - Yup’ik» 日本語 (Japanese)»
- Two Public Service Announcements (PSAs): one» and two».
- Information on Oregon's updated paramilitary statutes, 2023's HB 2572», which allow the Attorney General to seek a court order if they have “reasonable cause to believe that a person or group of persons has engaged in, or is about to engage in, paramilitary activity,” may be relevant during this fall's election. The new law also provides individuals “injured as a result of paramilitary activity” the ability to seek a court injunction by filing a lawsuit.
- Cure PNW» has a Community Voices Helpline at 541-583-0073, aimed at deescalating political and ideological violence.
- Operators are trained in conflict coaching, de-escalation, and active listening to help individuals process their grievances so they don’t resort to violence as a way to solve political or public policy problems.
- Operators can support friends or family by providing resources, guidance, and support to those concerned about a loved one at risk of escalating to politically-related violence.
- Protect Democracy» has issued New Guidance on Preventing Election Certification Interference» that community members may be interested in reading.
- ACLU has a Know Your Voting Rights website» in English and Spanish». Learn more about how to exercise your voting rights, resist voter intimidation efforts, and access disability-related accommodations and language assistance at the polls. For help at the polls, call the non-partisan Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
- Western States Center has created a new toolkit, Navigating the 2024 Election in Schools», which outlines some bigoted and anti-democracy messages that students may possibly encounter and shares valuable resources to address them.
- More information about voting and elections can be found at the Oregon Secretary of State's Voting & Elections website».
- Secretary of State Elections Division»
- Secretary of State’s My Vote», where Oregonians can review the status of their voter registration and ballot.
- For those wishing to remove their residence address from public voter registration lists, here is the Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure as a Public Record»
- Constituents can obtain contact information for each county elections office» where many voter questions can be answered.
- Constituents can locate their elected state representative» for requesting changes to law and district matters outside the bailiwick of ODOJ, SOS, and county elections.
- Voting resource for survivors» by state, including confidential registration, early voting, vote by mail, and address confidentiality options
- Combatting mis- or dis-information? WSC recommends the following approach:
- 1. Start with the truth. The first frame gets the advantage.
- 2. Indicate/flag the lie. Avoid amplifying the specific language if possible.
- 3. Return to the truth. Always repeat truths more than lies.
- The Oregon Department of Justice has activated its Attorney General’s Voter Protection Hotline at 971-673-4111 for non-emergency questions and any concerns about the voting process.
- ODOJ has also created a one-pager» with information about the hotline and to ensure Oregonians understand how their right to vote is protected, and what types of actions and behaviors are prohibited by state law—such as harassing an election worker, obstructing a ballot drop-off place, or engaging in unlawful paramilitary activity.
- Oregon Secretary of State has a Voter Protection Hotline where concerns about voter suppression, interference, intimidation, and mis- and dis-information can be reported:
Do you have any resource suggestions related to schools and young people?
- No Place for Hate » has extensive curriculum information designed to engage students and staff in dialogue and active learning on the topics of bias, bullying, inclusion and allyship.
- Western States Center has released their 3rd edition of the Confronting White Nationalism in Schools » toolkit to help educators, administrators, students and caregivers counter bigoted organizing.
- In Summer 2023, the U.S. Department of Education hosted the "Free to Learn" conference», which focused on students' faith-based rights and presented research on Islamophobia and antisemitism in schools. School leaders are encouraged to utilize the resources from this conference to foster safe and inclusive environments for all students.
- ADL’s Anti-Bias Teaching & Learning Digital Kits »
- OJJDP’s Preventing Youth Hate Crimes & Identity-Based Bullying Fact Sheet » and Youth Hate Crimes & Identity-Based Bullying Prevention Curriculum», with 10 units of interactive lessons focused on understanding bias, prejudice, bullying, and hate; developing and practicing conflict resolution skills; and identifying and understanding bullying and hate crimes, designed for youth in middle school up to the 12th grade.
- Talking to Children about Hate Crimes » from National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center
- Portland Public School’s resource guide Supporting Students & Families of Color Enduring Racism»
- The Anti-Defamation League’s Books Matter™ Children’s & Young Adult Literature database » has over 800 children’s books (with discussion guides) about bias, diversity, social justice, etc., broken down by topic such as LGBTQIA+, Race, Immigration and by age range.
- BridgeUSA » is a multi-partisan student movement that champions viewpoint diversity, responsible discourse, and a solution-oriented political culture. In short, young people fighting polarization in our democracy. Click here for information to start a chapter » on your high school or college/university campus.
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network produced the guide Addressing Race and Trauma in the Classroom: A Resource for Educators». This guide helps educators understand how they might address the interplay of race and trauma and its effects on students in the classroom, outlines recommendations for educators, and offers a list of supplemental resources. It can be implemented in accordance with individual school policies and procedures.
- StopBullying.gov» offers guidance on combatting religious-based bullying, and provides tools and strategies for schools to prevent and respond to religious-based bullying, ensuring a safer school environment for all students.
Do you know any resources to help people out of a life of hate?
What should I know about service animals and emotional support animals?
- Disability Rights Oregon has a compiled great service animal resource page » including their Service and Assistance Animals in Oregon publication »
- The City of Portland also has a great Service Animals resource page » including the 2 questions businesses are allowed to ask of anyone bringing in an animal they say is a service animal:
- 1. Is your dog required because of a disability?
- 2. What work or task is it trained to perform?
- Questions about someone’s disability, asking the dog to demonstrate the task, or requests for “certification” or other kinds of documentation are not allowed.
What are the Oregon bias crime and federal hate crime laws?
- ORS 147.380 » defines a Bias Incident under Oregon law.
- ORS 166.155 » defines misdemeanor Bias Crime in the Second Degree under Oregon law.
- ORS 166.165 » defines felony Bias Crime in the First Degree under Oregon law.
- ORS 163.191 » defines misdemeanor Intimidation by Display of a Noose under Oregon law.
- 18 U.S.C. § 245 » covers violent interference with federally-protected rights
- 18 U.S.C. § 249 », aka the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 and the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act of 2022, covers bias-motivated violence against a person (and attempts with a weapon)
- 18 U.S.C. § 247 » covers damage to religious property
- 42 U.S.C. § 3631 », the federal Fair Housing Act, covers violent interference with access to housing
- 18 U.S.C. § 875 » and 18 U.S.C. § 876 » covers threats via internet, text or mail; bias motivation is not required but may be a sentencing enhancement
You can always contact Oregon’s statewide Bias Response Hotline to talk about your options. We welcome your call or online report.
Disclaimer: The links and information provided in this toolkit are for information only, are not exhaustive, and do not constitute legal advice. For information about your rights and legal options, consult an attorney. Not all content reflects the views of the Oregon Department of Justice. Resources and trainings are not vetted or otherwise endorsed by ODOJ.
Request Bias Response Training for your Community
The Oregon DOJ Civil Rights Unit provides training for community groups on bias response (hate/bias crimes, bias incidents, supporting victims, and more). Please sign up below if you are interested.