Oregon DOJ News

Oregon Joins Lawsuit Challenging President Trump’s Declaration of National Emergency at the Southern Border

Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum today joined 16 states in filing a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California challenging President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency and his attempt to divert funding appropriated by Congress. The states allege in the complaint that the Trump Administration’s action exceeds the power of… View Article

Posted in Media Release, News on February 19, 2019

Oregon Sunshine Committee 2019 Public Notice

The Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Subcommittee will conduct its next meeting in Tigard on February 22, 2019, from 1:00 to 3:00. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the subcommittee members’ draft recommendations to the Oregon Sunshine Committee, as detailed here: PII Subcommittee Tasker. The meeting will occur in the Law Offices of… View Article

Posted in Media Release, Public Records Reform on February 15, 2019

Attorney General Rosenblum Calls on FTC to Improve—Not Repeal—Rules that Protect Consumers from Identity Theft

Leading a coalition of 31 state Attorneys General, Oregon Attorney General Rosenblum today sent a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging the federal agency to not only maintain its “Identity Theft Rules”, also called “Red Flag Rules”, but, in light of technological advances and savvy identity thieves, to update the rules to further… View Article

Posted in Media Release, Privacy on February 11, 2019

Attorney General Rosenblum Requests Meeting with Federal Government on Family Planning Program

Leading a coalition of 13 state Attorneys General, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum is requesting a meeting with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to discuss anticipated rule changes to Title X, the only federal program that helps states like Oregon fund family planning and health-related services. The letter can be found here. As… View Article

Posted in Media Release on February 7, 2019

DON’T Be My Valentine!

Scam Alert Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum has a warning for people looking for love online – if an online love interest asks you for money, it’s probably a scam. Every year, the Oregon Department of Justice receives heartbreaking reports about “romance scammers” – especially around Valentine’s Day – who create fake profiles and eventually convince people… View Article

Posted in Consumer Protection, News on February 7, 2019