Oregon Supreme Court Denies Oracle Mandamus Statement from AG Rosenblum

October 8, 2015
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The Oregon Supreme Court today denied a mandamus petition filed by Oracle’s lawyers asking the Court to dismiss the five high-level Oracle executives named in Oregon’s lawsuit against the company. A mandamus petition to the Oregon Supreme Court is an extraordinary request asking Oregon’s highest court to order a trial judge to take action in a case that is still pending. Marion County Circuit Court Judge Geyer had previously rejected the executives’ argument that they should be dismissed from the lawsuit.

Attorney General Rosenblum issued the following statement:

“Today, the Oregon Supreme Court refused to let Oracle’s executives off the hook. In August, these high-level executives complained to the court that they did not bear any personal responsibility for any misrepresentations they may have made to the state about Oracle’s work product.

Let me be clear: These people are high level executives who were integral to the misrepresentations made by Oracle to Oregon officials, and they should be held accountable.

If only Oracle, Oracle’s President Safra Catz and her army of lawyers would stop wasting our taxpayer dollars on legal maneuvers like this one. It is time for the company to get serious about paying us back. Instead, this corporation has budgeted millions of dollars to fight our state at every opportunity.

I would be pleased to meet with Ms. Catz and her legal counsel at her earliest convenience to discuss how Oracle intends to make its unhappy customer whole.”


Kristina Edmunson, Department of Justice, Kristina.Edmunson@doj.oregon.gov, 503-378-6002