Oregon Sunshine Committee 2021 Public Notice

November 12, 2021
• Posted in ,

The Oregon Sunshine Committee will meet virtually on November 17, 2021 at 1:30. The public can attend virtually or by telephone (see committee’s website).

The current agenda is:

  1. Membership status and updates
  2. Subcommittees
    1. Status
    2. Leadership
  3. PRAC
    1. Role vis a vis Sunshine Committee
    2. Liaison
  4. Committee accomplishments to date
  5. Process and format for addressing future topics
  6. Topics to address
    1. Generally
    2. Next meeting – Trade Secrets
  7. Meeting schedule
  8. Adjourn

Written comments to the Oregon Sunshine Committee about its work and requests for accommodation can be sent to SunshineCommittee@doj.oregon.gov.