Oregon Sunshine Committee 2021 Public Notice

September 9, 2021
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The Oregon Sunshine Committee is holding an electronic meeting on September 22, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. The public can attend virtually or by telephone (see committee’s website).

The agenda will be to recap where things stand with the Sunshine Committee’s work and discuss the path forward from here, including possible changes in the leadership, and leadership structure, of the Committee. Discussion on these issues could lead to votes on leadership and structure questions and possibly also on how the Committee will prioritize its work going forward.

The meeting materials that have been provided to the members are the draft report the Committee worked on in early 2020, and the 2011 proposed re-organization of public records exemptions.

Written comments to the Oregon Sunshine Committee about its work and requests for accommodation can be sent to SunshineCommittee@doj.oregon.gov.