Today Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum released the following statement thanking airlines, event organizers, hotels, day cares and other businesses that have displayed good corporate citizenship by refunding consumers or issuing credit for cancellations made with the safety of our community in mind:
“Oregonians have canceled vacations, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, concerts and sporting events for the sake of their health and the safety of others. Their actions will slow the spread of the coronavirus and save lives. I am proud of how Oregonians are rising to this challenge.
“To do their part, Oregon businesses can act responsibly by providing refunds or credits to consumers who will not be able to use their services on the scheduled dates. I commend the many businesses that have already taken the lead by honoring the need to restrict travel and eliminate large gatherings. For those who have yet to do so, I would strongly encourage them to act quickly. Of course, if a business promises refunds or credits and fails to deliver on that promise, please file a complaint with my office as soon as possible.
She added: “I would be remiss if I did not mention the toll this public health emergency is taking on businesses and their employees, especially Oregon’s small businesses. We must pull together to support small businesses during this crisis.”
Last week, Attorney General Rosenblum issued a consumer alert warning Oregonians about scams and price gouging (raising the price of goods or services to an unfair or unconscionable level). And this week in response to the Attorney General’s request, the Governor declared an abnormal disruption of the market due to COVID-19.
If you notice any scams, fraud, price gouging, or other attempts to take advantage of Oregonians during this public health emergency, contact the Oregon Attorney General’s new price gouging hotline at (503) 378-8442 or online at www.oregonconsumer.gov.
Consumer Hotline, call 1-877-877-9392 or visit www.oregonconsumer.gov.