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April 17, 2019
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The Oregon Department of Justice, Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD), in support of the “ Tribal, State and Federal Summit: Rising to the Challenge: Addressing Impacts to Mind, Body and Soul” sponsored by The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), is pleased to announce a free training opportunity that includes a pre-conference with disciplinary specific training in advocacy as well as law enforcement and Medical Behavioral Health on April 16, 2019 and conference for all disciplines on April 17 and 18. A copy of the Tribal, State & Federal Summit Brochure and Summit Registration Form will be provided at a later date.
Participants from 43 tribes in three states (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho) along with state, federal and tribal law enforcement, prosecution, probation and parole, judges and domestic violence advocates have been invited to attend the training.
DOJ/CVSSD will be using grant training funds to offer up to 20 scholarships (not to exceed $500 per individual) for travel, lodging and meal costs in accordance with federal per diem requirements. Please see the attached scholarship application for criteria and terms.
For questions specific to the scholarship application process, please contact Amanda VanTil at Amanda.L.Vantil@doj.oregon.gov.
For questions specific to the criteria or terms of the scholarship, please contact Diana Fleming at Oregon Department of Justice, Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division, at 503.378.6260 or diana.l.fleming@doj.oregon.gov.
If you have any questions specific to the conference, please contact Desiree Coyote, CTUIR Family Violence Services Program Manager, at 541.429.7415 or desireecoyote@ctuir.org.
This training will be located in Pendleton, Oregon.