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December 19, 2017 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Many State Administering Agencies (SAAs) collaborate with local Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils (CJCCs) to address the most pressing public safety challenges facing the state. In Ohio, Lucas-Toledo and Franklin Counties are established under the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) as metropolitan county criminal justice services agencies. Both CJCCs collaborate with the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services to conduct criminal justice system and youth services planning, apply for and allocate grant funds, and deliver assistance within their service areas. The creation and sustainment of the CJCC’s enables greater input by local officials on allocation decisions and allows enhanced planning for local needs. Both CJCCs are also designated as regional planning units (RPUs) for the administration of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) funding and also provide input regarding Byrne JAG funding in their counties.
In Ohio, the Office of Criminal Justice Services serves as a critical partner for funding and validation of ideas and innovations for the CJCCs. During this webinar, learn about how the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services collaborates with local CJCCs and learn about initiatives under way in those counties to reduce over-incarceration and reduce the length of stay for people with serious mental illness in jails. Franklin County will discuss its participation in the Stepping Up initiative and Toledo/Lucas County will discuss its participation in the Data Driven Justice Initiative and Safety and Justice Challenge. You will also hear about the Northwest Ohio Regional Information System (NORIS) which was founded in 1974 to provide records automation and information sharing among jurisdictions in Lucas County.
Karhlton Moore, Executive Director, Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services
Holly Matthews, Executive Director, Lucas County (OH) Criminal Justice Council
Michael Daniels, Justice Policy Coordinator, Franklin County (OH) Office of Justice Policy and Programs
Chris Asplen, Executive Director, National Criminal Justice Association