Sexual Assault Victims’ Emergency Medical Response (SAVE) Fund

Are you a medical provider assisting a sexual assault victim in applying for free medical care? Visit the SAVE Fund page in the Medical Provider’s section ».

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Free Medical Care for Crime Victims

The Sexual Assault Victims’ Emergency Medical Response (SAVE) Fund makes medical exams available to every victim of sexual assault in Oregon who has a sexual assault exam within seven days of the assault. Beginning August 2023 the SAVE Fund will pay for SKIT exams for victims of strangulation in Oregon.

If you are a victim of sexual assault the SAVE Fund will pay for:

  • The cost of a sexual assault medical exam
  • Medications to prevent sexually transmitted diseases
  • Up to five days of HIV medication
  • Emergency contraception
  • Pregnancy test
  • Physician fee
  • Up to 5 counseling sessions

If you are a victim of strangulation the SAVE Fund will pay for:

  • The cost of a strangulation kit/exam (SKIT)
  • Up to 5 counseling sessions.

Applying for the SAVE Fund

Medical providers have SAVE Fund applications on site and will help you complete the short, confidential form. The medical provider will then submit the application, along with a bill, to the Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division.

Victims of sexual assault are also encouraged to apply to the Oregon Crime Victims’ Compensation Program» .

If you have any questions regarding the SAVE Fund, please contact Valerie Smith at 503-378-6254, or