Frequently Asked Questions

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Address Confidentiality Program FAQs

For those inquiring into the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

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Am I eligible for the ACP?

To be eligible for the ACP you must live in Oregon, and

  • be over 18 years old*, and
  • be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking, and
  • have recently relocated (or are about to relocate) to an address unknown to the perpetrator(s) or any government agencies.

*Parents or guardians may apply on behalf of incapacitated adults and minor children who are otherwise eligible for the ACP.

NOTE: If you do not live in Oregon, find out if your state has a confidential address program with the Address Confidentiality Programs in the United States (PDF) ».

How can I apply for the ACP?

To apply for the ACP you must meet with an Application Assistant (AA) in your area.

The AA is a victim advocate designated by the Attorney General who helps you:

  • conduct safety planning.
  • understand the program services, participant rights and responsibilities.
  • determine eligibility.
  • complete the application.

Is ACP like a witness protection program?

No. The program cannot hide you or help you “go underground”. Although a recent confidential relocation is required to apply, the ACP does not offer financial assistance to help you move or obtain suitable housing.

Is participation in ACP confidential?

There are times when the ACP may disclose your participation status to a governmental agency, such as a school, the Department of Motor Vehicles, a public library, or the Child Support Program. However, verification of participation with a private entity or financial institution requires participant approval. In legal matters, participation can be disclosed with a signed court order.

What kind of mail can be forwarded?

All first-class, certified, and registered mail is forwarded.

Magazines, packages and junk mail are not forwarded. Packages are refused at the Post Office and returned to the sender. Magazines and junk mail are confidentially shredded and recycled.

The ACP may also accept legal process service (aka “get served”) on your behalf.

Does participation in ACP expire?

Program participation lasts four years, unless otherwise cancelled or withdrawn. Participation can be renewed for an additional four years prior to expiration. Prior to your expiration date please print, sign and submit the renewal form to ACP. The form can be emailed to or faxed to 503-373-1340.

Can other household members participate in ACP?

Yes. A spouse or domestic partner and any minor children who live in the same household may also receive ACP services.  All household members over the age of 18 must be listed as a co-applicant on the primary applicant’s application and the co-applicant must also meet with an application assistant to complete an application.

For ACP Participants

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How do I change my address with ACP?

You must notify the ACP in writing within 10 days of a change to your residential address, mailing address or phone number. You may submit a Change of Address or Telephone Number form » by regular mail, by fax, or by email as an attached .PDF or .JPG (less than 1MB).

The form MUST contain your signature to verify your identity. The ACP cannot accept an electronic signature at this time.

How should ACP mail be addressed?

It is very important that all mail received by the ACP has the participant ACP number included in the address.  This is how mail is routed to the appropriate participant.  The address does not need to include ACP before the number.  Below are examples of how mail should be addressed:

Jane Doe
PO Box 1108 999-19
Salem, OR 97308-1108


Jane Doe
PO Box 1108
Salem, OR 97308-1108


Jane Doe 999-19
PO Box 1108
Salem, OR 97308-1108

Senders should be notified that they should not indicate that this is a PO Box in their system.  If they check that it is a PO Box, it doesn’t allow room for the ACP number.  If the sender if having issues adding the ACP number, please have them contact the ACP by emailing

Are there ways I cannot use the substitute address?

Yes. The ACP does not relieve you of your legal or financial responsibilities, or from having to provide actual address information to receive certain services from state or local government agencies. You also cannot use the substitute address for a supervised offender’s record.

Convicted sex offenders who are required to register their residential address with criminal justice agencies are not allowed to use the substitute address for community registration purposes.

Public schools have the right to ask for and receive your actual physical address for reasons of admission and placement. They are required to use only your ACP substitute address for mail and for all school records.

As an ACP member, how should I register to vote?

See Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure as a Public Record (SEL 550).

Will I get my own Post Office box number?

No. Every participant in the program uses the same Post Office box in Salem, Oregon. However, each household in the program is assigned a unique ACP Code that ensures mail is delivered correctly and without delay.

Will my information ever be disclosed?

Yes. The ACP is required to disclose your address or phone number upon receipt of a court order signed by a judge.

Will I be notified if my address is disclosed?

Yes. In the event of disclosure of an actual address or phone number, you will be notified within one business day.

Does the ACP remove or delete information about me that already exists in public records?

No. As a program participant, you may use an assigned substitute address for creating a new public record. The ACP cannot remove or delete information that already exists in public record.

This is one of the reasons why an applicant must move (or be moving) to a location unknown to their abuser or any government agency to apply to the program.

Can I be cancelled from ACP?

Yes. Your participation in the program may be cancelled for the following reasons:

  • You provided false or incorrect information on an ACP application.
  • You do not notify the ACP in writing of a change in residential or mailing address, or telephone number within ten days.
  • You do not notify the ACP of a legal name change within 30 days.
  • Mail forwarded to you is returned to the ACP as undeliverable.
  • You do not submit a renewal application at least 30 days prior to the expiration date.
  • You no longer want to be in the program and request to be withdrawn.
  • You submit a change of address to the post office.
  • You move out of State.

Can I appeal a cancellation?

Yes. If your participation is cancelled, you will be notified by the ACP in writing. The notice will include an appeal form, which may be submitted within 30 days of the notice.

What if I am considering a legal name change?

Reach out to an advocate near you to consider the risks and benefits. Click here for local agencies. For more information, click here.

What do I need to do once I have obtained a legal name change?

  • If you want to use the same ACP code and want your new name and previous name linked (continue to receive mail in both names) fill out a legal name change form along with a copy of the court document granting your name change.
  • If you do not want to use the same ACP code, a new legal name change application will need to be submitted along with a copy of the court document granting your name change. The previous ACP code will be cancelled and mail will be forwarded in your previous name for 30 days then returned to sender. If you need to extend this timeframe in order to transition, you will need to contact the ACP.
  • Submit forms to the ACP by email, fax or mail.

In order to obtain a confidential name change you must be over 18 and an active participant in the ACP.

You may want to consider discussing your options with an attorney. If you need assistance finding a lawyer or for information about the Modest Means Program click here or call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at 503.684.3763 or 800.452.7636.

ACP staff do not provide threat-assessment or safety-planning and are not allowed to offer legal advice.

What if I’m considering changing my social security number?

Follow this link for more information.

What if I’m purchasing a new home?

You may want to consider discussing your options with a real estate attorney. If you need assistance finding a lawyer or for information about the Modest Means Program click here or call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at 503.684.3763 or 800.452.7636.

You should also reach out to your local County Assessor’s office to discuss the steps in suppressing your new address.

ACP staff do not provide threat-assessment or safety-planning and are not allowed to offer legal advice.

What if I am considering a new Oregon Driver’s license number or customer number from the DMV?

See DMV Customer Number Detail Sheet.

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