Human Trafficking Train-The-Trainer Workshop Series 2021

September 7 – October 5, 2021

Human Trafficking Train-The-Trainer Workshop Series

This series introduces new, Oregon-specific introductory human trafficking curriculum that builds awareness and gives community groups and service providers specific calls to action.

After completing this series, you will have the tools, skills, and confidence needed to present the Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community curriculum.

For questions about this series, please contact:

Letetia Wilson

Announcements (updated 9/29/21)

Participant Resources:

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September 6, 2021
Complete assignments for Before We Begin

September 7, 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Session 1: Where We Begin

September 9, 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Session 2: Demonstration of Understanding Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community

September 14, 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Session 3: Beyond the Template Part I

September 16, 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Session 4: Creating Active Engagement

September 20, 2021, noon
Submit Independent Work Assignment #1

September 21, 2021, varied times
Session 5: Beyond the Template Part II

September 23, 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Session 6: Human Trafficking Imagery: How What You See Affects What You Do

September 27 – October 1, 2021
Independent Work Week (no sessions scheduled)

October 4, 2021, noon
Submit Independent Work Assignment #2 and Assignment #3

October 5, 2021, 1:00pm-3:00pm
Session 7: Where Do We Go from Here?

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Workshop Information

Session 1: Where We Begin | Caroline Olfert, CVSSD,

The focus of our first session includes (1) introducing participants and faculty; (2) reviewing the goals and expectations for the series; and (3) exploring how training is a vital part of the work we do in addressing human trafficking.

Session 1 Handouts
Session 1 Supplemental Information
Session 1 Evaluation

Session 2: Demonstration of Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community | Amanda Swanson, CVSSD and Robin Miller, Janus Youth Programs

During this session, you’ll experience the Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community as participants, watching how the facilitators deliver the material and engage with the audience.

Session 2 Evaluation

Session 3: Beyond the Template | Emily Hall, E+M Creative,

In this in-depth virtual workshop, we’ll dig into the nuance of story-based content structure and the principles of visual design to help you frame your presentation professionally and authentically to connect with audiences and inspire them to take action.

Session 3 Evaluation
Session 3 References

Session 4: Creating Active Engagement | Caroline Olfert, CVSSD

What happens when we take our classroom course and throw it online? For many of us, we’ll end up with disengaged participants and online fatigue. During this workshop, we’ll use foundational brain-based learning principles to explore ways to take classroom content and morph it into interactive, engaging material that our participants will remember. The skills discussed in this session apply to in-person sessions as well.

Using a Producer
Session 4 Evaluation
Session 4 Handout
Session 4 Supplemental Information
Session 4: Word Cloud (The Idea of Facilitating Online Makes Me Feel…)
Session 4: Tips for Calming Nerves

Session 5:  Beyond the Template: Questions and Review | Emily Hall, E+M Creative

Now that you have spent time planning out your presentation outline and visuals, you’ve probably hit a stumbling block or two. This Questions + Review session is structured to give you the opportunity to ask questions that came up as you worked through your content creation using the tools learned in the first Beyond the Template session. As time allows, you’ll have the opportunity to receive live feedback from Emily on which elements of your presentation draft are successful, strategies to improve elements that are not, and in specific areas that you are concerned about.

Session 5 Evaluation

Session 6: Human Trafficking Imagery: How What You See Affects What You Do | Camerron Resener, Colorado Department of Public Safety

Human trafficking imagery and language shape the way that we connect with survivors of human trafficking. It also forms the beliefs, biases, and misinformation that the public holds. This session will overview recent research and best practices about how we talk about human trafficking and what images we use to build awareness.

Self-Care Generator
Session 6 Evaluation

Session 7: Where Do We Go from Here? | Amanda Swanson and Caroline Olfert, CVSSD

The focus of our final session includes (1) reflecting and sharing our experiences delivering the curriculum; (2) discussing how to use the Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community curriculum; and (3) engaging in action planning for delivering the curriculum and continuing to grow as an instructor.

Session 7 Handout
Session 7 Supplemental Information
Session 7 Evaluation

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Before We Begin

We’re glad you can join us for the Human Trafficking Train-the-Trainer workshop. Before we begin, please take time to complete the following tasks.

Create your Workday Learning Account.
Use these instructions to create your account, then email your username to Letetia as soon as possible.  You will not be able to proceed to step #2 until you have sent Letetia this information.
Complete your course enrollment.
After you receive an email notifying you of your enrollment in DOJ – CVSSD – Human Trafficking Train the Trainer Series in Workday, follow these instructions to sign up for the live sessions (you’ll need to do this to access the Zoom links) and download materials.
Read and reflect.
Read this one-page article, Addressing Victim Blaming, and then reflect on and respond to the reflection questions provided.
Set your goals for this training series.
Visit our Mentimeter board » and share up to three goals.
Get to know more about this training series.
Read the course description, learn more about our team of instructors, and find out how you can earn prizes just by attending our live sessions.
Get organized.
Download, save and/or print this checklist that will help you stay on top of things that need to get done during this series.
Review our Group Agreements.
 Is there something missing from this list that would contribute to improving your learning experience? Please email

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Independent Work

You’ll complete three assignments as a part of this series. These assignments allow you to apply what you’re learning as well as practice delivering Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community.

Assignment #1: Develop a 15-Minute Presentation

Working alone, with a partner, or in a small group, use the Audience Experience Roadmap to develop a 15-minute presentation. You’ll receive the framework during Session 3 on September 14, 2021.
Estimated time to complete: 30-50 minutes.
Complete by noon on September 20, 2021.
Assignment #1 Instructions

Assignment #2: Deliver the Curriculum

With a partner, select one module from the Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community curriculum to practice your facilitation skills.
Estimated time to complete: 60-90 minutes.
Complete by October 4, 2021.
Assignment #2 Instructions

Assignment #3: Write Your Instructor Introduction

Using the situation in the document, write three sentences that someone could use to introduce you as a facilitator when delivering the HT curriculum.
Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes.
Complete by October 4, 2021.
Assignment #3 Instructions

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Let Us Reward You!

Sometimes, we need a little incentive to up our motivation. We’ve built in ways for you to win prizes, just by being here!

Download Flyer

Download Bingo Board

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Questions & Answers

We’ve created a place for you to list questions that come up throughout the series.

Visit our Mentimeter Q&A Board » to ask questions at any time.

Check back here every Friday during the series for an updated HT Train-the-Trainer Frequently Asked Questions.

HT Train-the-Trainer Frequently Asked Questions   (updated 9/20/2021)

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The Curriculum

Understanding and Addressing Sex Trafficking in Our Community

This new, Oregon-specific introductory human trafficking curriculum builds awareness and gives community groups and service providers specific calls to action.

The curriculum includes stories from trafficking survivors through videos from The Life Story » to highlight the risks, vulnerabilities, and impact of sex trafficking.

You’ll customize the curriculum based on your community’s efforts, the requesting audience, and the delivery method (in-person versus virtual).

For access to the facilitator’s guide, slide deck, and handouts, please contact Letetia Wilson. Please note that you will need to have a Workday Learning account and taken part in the Train-the-Trainer series to access these materials.

Participants should receive a hard copy of the facilitator’s guide by September 8th.

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Supplemental Information

Session 1 Supplemental Information

Session 4 Supplemental Information

Session 7 Supplemental Information

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