Community Collaboration Meetings and Tribal Nations Needs Assessment Project

September 2024 through June 2025


The Oregon Department of Justice (ODOJ), Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD), is hosting a series of nine multi-county Community Collaboration Meetings in 23 of 36 counties between September 2024 – June 2025.   These meetings will include partners in each of the primary county service areas from law enforcement, prosecution, courts, victim services and child advocacy services.

In 2023, ODOJ/CVSSD completed the first half of the Community Collaboration and Tribal Nations Needs Assessment Project which was identified in the VAWA Implementation Plan. The listening sessions with each of the nine federally recognized tribes focused on the collaborative partnerships across the state.

About the Community Collaboration Meetings

We all share a commitment to address gaps in services in our communities. We continue to hear about challenges tribal victims and survivors face receiving services and challenges connecting sister victim service programs and community partners in law enforcement, and prosecution.

The Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division and its leadership, fund coordinators and CVSSD DEI Subcommittee Co-Chair and state partners will meet with community partners in each location.

CVSSD will release a brief 5 question survey in advance of each meeting to help guide an interactive 2-hour conversation with all of us at the table. You may access the survey here. We encourage you to include your team when responding to the survey.

Your experience and expertise is important to us. Please let us know if you have questions, or if there is anything we can do to support your participation in these meetings.

Diana Fleming | 503-884-5548 | email

To help us with our planning, please indicate any accommodation needs you have on your registration, or by contacting:

Amanda Shinkle | 503-378-6870| email


We strive to be paper-free. The following handouts are not required to use during the meetings but meant to provide additional guidance or resources that may help strengthen partnerships between Tribal Nations and community partners.

Deliberate Steps of Inclusion of First Nations Voices(PDF)»  as provided during Community Collaboration meetings

Tribal Victim Service Program Contact List (PDF)»

Information to Build Fundamental Understanding

Tribal Restraining Orders

CVSSD and Tribal General Information

Community Collaboration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Community Collaboration FAQ in progress

CVSSD Statewide Reports


These materials are for educational purposes only. They do not
constitute legal advice. If you have questions about how the law
applies to your work, please reach out to your general counsel or

Tribal Resource Tool »

Meeting Details

Klamath and Lake Counties

The following meeting details are for the community collaboration meeting held in Chiloquin on May 6 :

Location: goos oLgi gowa (Pine Grove Gathering Place), 35601 Chokecherry Way, Chiloquin, OR 97624
Date: May 6, 2025
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm noon

Directions, Parking and other details: The meeting venue is located 3.7 miles from the Klamath Tribes Administration Building off of Highway 62. There is plenty of parking on site located in the front of the building. Restrooms are located inside the building which is also handicap accessible.

This map (PDF)» provides directions to the meeting location.

Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties

The following meeting details are for the community collaboration meeting held in Roseburg on May 7:

Location: Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Tribal Government Offices, Board room, 2371 NE Stephens St. #100
Roseburg, OR 97470
Date: May 7, 2025
Time: 10:00am – 12:00 pm

Directions, Parking and other details: The meeting venue is located off of I-5.

This map (PDF)»   provides directions to the tribal boardroom. Meeting attendees may park in the front of the building or in the back gravel area.