Elder Abuse

Types of Elder Abuse

Types of elder abuse include:

  • financial exploitation
  • neglect
  • verbal abuse
  • physical abuse & abandonment
  • sexual abuse
  • seclusion and restraint

Warning Signs of Elder Abuse

Victims of elder abuse may be slow to recognize and report the abuse. Too often, victims suffer in silence. For that reason, it is important to recognize the following warning signs.

  • Any unexplained injury, or an injury that doesn’t fit with the given explanation
  • Situations where the elder is not given the opportunity to speak for herself or himself without the presence of the caregiver
  • Elders who become extremely withdrawn, non-communicative or non-responsive
  • Unusual depression
  • Frequent arguments between the caregiver and elderly person
  • Sudden changes in financial situations
  • Unpaid bills, overdue rent, utility shut-off notices

Reporting Elder Abuse and Neglect in Oregon

Possible elder abuse should be reported through Oregon’s toll-free hotline: 1-855-503-SAFE (7233) or on the DHS website ».

If it is an emergency please dial 9-1-1.

Search Oregon’s Abuse Complaints database

Licensed Long-term Care Settings Search » This database includes substantiated abuse violations and substantiated licensing violations resulting in harm to residents.

To learn more about elder abuse as priority for the Oregon Attorney General, visit the Elder Abuse Spotlight page ».


Elder Safe Program – Washington County »
Elders in Action »
Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon »

We recognize that people experiencing crime have varied needs. For information about other resources that may be helpful to you, please see 211info.org »