Reports and Publications


Grant agreements from the Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD) include specific language about the confidentiality of survivor information. This is a requirement of the Federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which CVSSD has adopted across most of our grants. Additional resources and information are available:

Common Outcome Measures Report

Since January 2006, the CVSSD has required victim services providers receiving CVSSD-administered grants to collect and report quarterly data on three outcome measures. All grantees use a single outcome measure and two additional measures specific to the services they provide. CVSSD directs that grantees determine which clients are appropriate to be surveyed and collect feedback from at least 10 percent. The reports below analyze the data collected for a year and compare it to the data collected the prior two years.

District/City Attorney Victim Assistance Program Annual Reports

Programs receiving District/City Attorney Based Victim Assistance Program (DA/CA VAP) funds are required to submit an annual report. That information has been compiled to demonstrate the impact these funds have on the programs:

Funding Towards Equity, the Joint DV/SA Allocation Summary

An equity formula is used for allocating state and federal funds via the Joint Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Non-competitive Grant. Funds are administered by the Oregon DOJ and the Department of Human Services. The summary below was prepared in FY 2014-15.

Funding Towards Equity (PDF) »