Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention (CAMI) Advisory Council

The Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention (CAMI) Advisory Council advises the Oregon Crime Victim and Survivor Services Division (CVSSD) regarding the allocation and administration of the CAMI Account.

CAMI funds are the primary source of state funding for the intervention, assessment and investigation of child abuse. As required by state law, that money is distributed through multidisciplinary teams (MDTs).

MDTs are established in each county under the leadership of the local district attorney. CAMI funds are also distributed directly to five non-profit intervention centers to provide specialized regional assistance to the MDTs.

More Information about CAMI

CAMI Advisory Council Members and Meetings Information

CAMI Advisory Council Members

District Attorney: Stacy Neil, Deschutes County District Attorney’s Office
Law Enforcement: Chief Gary Bell, LaGrande Police Department
Representative from an Operating Regional Children’s Advocacy Center: Gil Levy, Kids Intervention Diagnostic Service Center
Representative from a local CAC recommended by Oregon Child Abuse Solutions: Beatriz Lynch, SafeSpace CAC
Person having experience dealing with child abuse: Tina Morgan, independent consultant
Employee of the State Office for services to Children and Families: Kristen Khamnohack , Department of Human Services, Child Welfare
Citizen with an interest in advocating for the medical interests of abused children: Marilyn Reilly, Clatsop County District Attorney’s Office
Citizen with an interest in advocating for the medical interests of abused children: Patricia K. Kenyon, Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force
Citizen with an interest in advocating for the medical interests of abused children: Shelly Smith, Oregon Child Abuse Solutions
Citizen with an interest in advocating for the medical interests of abused children: Rahela Rehman, Oregon Department of Justice, Child Advocacy and Protection Division
Physician: Natalya Miller, Children’s Advocacy Center of Jackson County

CAMI Advisory Council Meeting Location

Portland Department of Justice
100 Market Street Building
100 SW Market Street
Portland, OR 97201

Members Wanted

It is the goal of the CAMI Advisory Council to have membership reflective of a diversity of perspectives and experiences in child abuse intervention across Oregon. We are currently seeking new members including, but not limited to, a law enforcement representative who works in child abuse intervention.  If you participate on your local MDT and are interested in serving on the CAMI Advisory Council, please contact Robin Reimer

Upcoming CAMI Advisory Council Meetings

  • February 22, 2025
  • April 16, 2025
  • August 7, 2025
  • October 21, 2025
  • February 10, 2026

Previous CAMI Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Archived minutes can be obtained through