Identifying and Serving Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking: Essentials for Civil Legal Services Providers

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9:30 am

Identifying and Serving Survivors of Child Sex Trafficking: Essentials for Civil Legal Services Providers

July 17, 2019 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am

United States

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Sexual violence cuts across every boundary of race, ethnicity, and class. Yet for girls at the margins, the experience of sexual violence and the trauma that results often funnels girls into the juvenile justice system. When we fail to recognize and appropriately address their trauma and needs, we deny girls the protections afforded to other

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11:00 am

The Future of Victim Services

July 17, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

United States

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On July 17, 2019, at 2 p.m. e.t., the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center will present an online Expert Q&A discussion with Mary Vail Ware and Marti Kovener on "The Future of Victim Services." The field of victim services has marched from a movement to a profession. Join us to

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